So I know I skipped for awhile. Things slowed down a bit, dog-wise. But then today, I am having a bit of a crummy day anyway. And all these FREAK dog people are getting receipts about their emails, so they know that I am deleting them. And they are getting SO MAD about it.
So this person says:
"I would really appreciate a response to my email. I have sent the need to 50 people and they wondering if this is a true case or note."
The dog bitch came out full force.
"I don’t know how I got listed as the main contact on this. I was only CC’d on one of these emails and now have gotten thousands of emails about it. I really have no information. I am trying to get back to as many people as possible, but it isn’t working.
Please spread the word, if you can, that I am not the contact. I truly wish people would look online before sending such things to 50 people.
Please don’t respond, as I am quite tired of getting these dog emails to my work address."
Can this lady understand anything? Apparently not. So I get an answer.
"I am sorry.
I did look on line and nothing came up that is why I sent it out.
Perhaps if you were CC’d on one of these emails you should have responded to that person as to remove your name off the email.
And responding to people who are really concerned that the email is not true would have stopped the process a while back if you would have responded so we wouldn’t send it out further.
This website
Will post that your message association to 2 labs needing a home will stop you from receiving so many emails."
So what do we learn from this:
People in the midwest act like they are all cheese and sunshine. But no. There are seriously screwed up attitudes lurking in there, just waiting to leap out should you ever cross them and there is a dog involved. Make it 2 dogs, and you just better put that address straight in your "always Spam that bitch " folder.
I mean, seriously? She thought that MY name showed up on the original email I was CC'd on and I sat there going "hunh, that's weird. Wonder why I just got an email saying to contact me at work. Funny coincidence." I know she doesn't know me, but I am really not that inept. Frankly, I think that I should just start making flyers and putting HER name and email address on it. Because petty though it is, it would really make me happy to think of her having this problem and having to deal with OTHER bitchy people, like herself. Ha ha. Just thinking of it makes me smile.
We also know me well enough to know that this stubborn attitude can't let something like that go. Someone needs to have the last word all the time.
"I have responded to over 2000 people.
I did report it to snopes.
Obviously, when I was CC’d on it MY OWN NAME wasn’t listed as the contact, there was nobody shown. It was days later, long after it had spread. Someone ELSE when forwarding it saw it truncated and put me down instead."
Then I immediately put her address as spam so I wouldn't have to see anymore of it. I just really don't like people.