So I take a short day from work, go down to view Josh. I was standing with the photographers waiting for the Philharmonic. They were nice and we had chatted. I had to explain to them who Josh Groban was, as mostly they were excited about Alec Baldwin and stuff.
Right before everything is about to start, my camera dies. Like, dead and never to be revived. I am freaking out, and having my little fit about how I will get a picture of him. My phone camera was OKAY, but this was my moment to shine! The moment when Josh Groban would look over and realize he loved me! The group of professional photographers are all looking at my cheap ass camera trying to fix it. No luck. We can't bring it back to life.
Suddenly my friend shouts "I got eyes on Groban!" or something equally creepy in the context. She takes off across Lincoln Center towards where he is standing with a gorgeous blonde "friend."
He comes over for the pics and is so nice, my friend asks him if he would take a picture with me. He was the nicest person ever (sigh) and he was very accommodating and I was finally getting the picture that would hang next to my bed for years to come. (Yeah, that's not creepy...)
So as he puts his arm around me and we are posing, what slips forth from my mouth? Nothing cool. Nothing that I had prethought out. Someone says you are going to meet your favorite celebrity and wouldn't you, like, I don't know, THINK about what to say? Well, not this girl.

But I think I took him off guard so much he looked down at me and did a half laugh. Probably as in, "what the hell did I just get myself into?"
The professional photographer ends up snapping the picture, which then had to be purchased from his website (thanks Xander!)... but totally worth it.
Anyway, the moral is, if it is even remotely possible that you may speak with a celebrity you love, maybe think about what to say first.