Monday, February 26, 2007

My new tactic

I decided to try a new tactic for awhile. I have been pasting in to all the emails I get the same message, basically saying, "I don't know how I got listed as the contact but please spread the word that it isn't me! I have gotten thousands of emails!" I am getting a lot of nice responses, but it's one of those things where I don't really want an answer. I already am getting a ton of messages. Don't answer to say sorry. But still, it's nice of people. I thought maybe it would dwindle down, but today there doesn't seem to be any lesser number of messages. Maybe even more.
This whole thing is so strange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you could put "please don't respond, as this is my work email" at the end of the cut-and-paste?