Monday, July 8, 2013

"Desserts Are for One"

Many, many years ago in my youth, I was going on a date with a guy that I liked a lot.  He was driving down from pretty far away for dinner, so I picked the place (my favorite restaurant) and told him it would be on me.  I was like, 22.  Making $25,000 a year.  But I was so excited and wanted to be able to share my favorite place.  

After we ate and enjoyed and chatted, the waiter came around with the dessert menu.  Having seen countless romantic comedies, I batted my eyelashes (I mean, I probably really just looked like I had dust in my eye because I can't roll like that) and said "oh, do you want to spliiittttt something?" 

He smirked, and then looked at me, in earnest, and said "Diane, I am pretty sure the desserts are FOR ONE."  Then continued to peruse the menu. And order a dessert...  For himself.


1 comment:

Leigh said...

Hahaha! "Desserts are for one."