Thursday, August 8, 2013

My One Prophetic Shining Moment

I have absolutely no ESP.  Like everybody I will get bad feelings and try to read into them and pretend, but overall, honestly I have no connection to the powers beyond.

However, my single prophetic experience happened in college.  Was it some kind of feeling about a close family member?  A dear friend?  My boyfriend of several years?  A dire warning or helpful sign? Nope.

I woke up one day and said to my friends, “I just had the craziest dream that Dudley Moore was dying from a brain disease.”  I got blank looks and “.... who the hell is that?”

“You know, he was in that movie Six Weeks with Mary Tyler Moore [I loved that movie], and he was in Arthur, and Crazy People?  Man, I haven’t even thought about him in years.”

Nobody really cared or even knew who I was talking about.  

Two days later, the news came out that Dudley Moore DID have a serious brain condition.

I’m just sayin’... not that I don’t love the guy as an actor, but if the universe saw fit to send me some kind of prophetic dream, I think it could have been something a little more exciting.

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