Wednesday, February 21, 2007

dog update

So far today, I received 200 emails and 1 phone call about the labs. The caller was VERY nice. But I am still peeved about this whole thing. And then I keep getting people saying, "you shouldn't be sending that from work!" or "No good deed goes unpunished!" But see, I didn't try to do any kind of good deed. I didn't care about the dogs. I don't even particularly like dogs at all. I am not a good deed doer. I am a sit back and complainer. I feel like I just want to go buy a bottle of wine to take home with me. But wait! I can't comfortably go to the wine store. "clink, clink." I need to never go on "dates" with people that work at my favorite stores.

This is what my inbox/deleted items looks like.


Anonymous said...

that is nuts! i can't believe you got another phone call.

Unknown said...

I tried to look up your number online... I can't find it. They are good, those number-finding folk.